Perfecting Social Media Marketing As A Beginner

Overview Social media marketing is worthwhile for small businesses as it allows them to engage with a vast audience on platforms they frequent. By launching viral campaigns, small brands can disrupt the market and expand their audience reach. Understanding the lesser-known advantages, obstacles, and strategies for successful social media campaigns is crucial for businesses. Social...

Creating a High Converting Pricing Page

Businesses often overlook the human aspect, neglecting the internal processes individuals undergo before making a purchase, despite being consumers themselves. It is crucial to grasp the fundamentals of a well-designed pricing page, as blindly emulating another business’s page without comprehending its rationale can result in a sub-optimally structured page. Your pricing page holds significant importance...

Growth Marketing – Next-Level Marketing

Urbanbound, a B2B relocation management software business, has quickly supercharged its growth by actively interacting with its audience. The brand has exemplified the power of growth marketing by incorporating customer feedback, focusing on adding value through content tailored to the unique preferences and requirements of the target audience.  By revising its marketing strategy, Urbanbound was...

Understanding Value Creation Vs. Value Extraction

In this competitive business landscape, the proliferation of companies on a global scale is a continual and rapid occurrence. According to Statista, approximately 333.34 million companies exist worldwide in 2021, a slight increase from the figures recorded in 2019 and 2020, which hovered around 328 million companies. Drastic technological advancement has become integral to business...

Impact Of Cookieless Future On Digital Marketing

The transition to a cookieless future may seem unpredictable, but it’s essential to recognize the positive aspects amid the challenges. The realm of digital marketing is currently grappling with a similar unease, stemming from the imminent loss of a distinctive form of ‘information connection’ – the digital cookie. You may have encountered discussions about a...

Google Analytics Loopholes

Google Analytics is a type of analytical service provided by Google to track and monitor website traffic and application traffic at mobile and other related events. It is a part of the Google marketing platform which works as a separate platform and gives detailed reports of the web traffic. This service began in November 2005...

The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile SEO

As a business owner, it is natural for businesses to use tools and technologies for SEO strategies for their business. Failing to use SEO strategies could be missing out on a sizable chunk of their potential customer base. Now, with easier access to low-cost internet facilities people are spending a sizable portion of their time...

Basics of Digital Lending

In recent years, the digital lending sector in India has emerged as a key catalyst for economic expansion, fostering financial inclusion and experiencing notable advancements in recent times. With wider access to technology, there has been a notable upswing in the banking, financial services, and insurance domains, largely attributed to the transformative fintech innovations reshaping...

Writing A White Paper That Generates Sales

Companies aiming to establish robust connections with their audience must generate detailed materials like white papers regularly as part of their content marketing strategy. While many brands are experimenting with contemporary content formats like podcasts and webinars, the enduring importance of thorough written content, illustrated by white papers, persists. White papers surpass superficial content by...

Complete Guide to Programmatic Marketing

In recent years, one of the noteworthy advancements in the field of digital marketing has been the emergence of programmatic marketing. The programmatic marketing approach allows businesses to emphasize certain customers who are currently browsing specific web pages. Programmatic advertising platforms offer solutions that benefit both publishers and advertisers. They benefit the publishers by facilitating...
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